Strength & Conditioning

Tactical Training: Who is a Tactical Athlete?

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tactical athlete

Tactical Training: Who is a Tactical Athlete?   Who is a tactical athlete? Tactical Athletes cover a wide array of people. Both men and women. They may be employees or volunteers for their community, state or national organizations. Whose missions are to protect civilians against various threats, both domestic and international. Tactical athletes include, soldiers, […]


Quit Bullshitting…It’s Time to Train!!!

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Online Training Program

Online Training Program LIVE NOW!!! The GPS Human Performance online training program will be delivered by TrainHeroic, the premiere performance app. Our programming with video exercise instruction and workout tracking will be right in the palm of your hand. We understand the demand for high quality training programs for the Tactical Athlete with the flexibility […]


10 Tips to Survive the 2018 Holiday Season

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10 tips to survive the holidays

How To Survive The Holidays:   It’s that time of year again. Halloween and all those Snickers and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups have come and gone, and now Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season is right upon us. This 2-month’ish stretch can often throw a wrench in anyone’s healthy lifestyle. Let’s take a […]


Shut Up and Meal Prep!

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Meal Prepping 101

HOW TO MEAL PREP 101 People often look for the easiest way to do things. However, just because something is the “easiest way” doesn’t necessarily mean it is easy. Below you will find an example of one of those situations where the “easiest way” to most people seems like the hardest. The vast majority of […]


Is Scaling Up Your Workout The Easy Way Out?

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Is scaling up your workout the easy way out?

Let’s say you see the workout up on the board… 5 Rounds 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#) 15 Wall Balls (20/14#) 10 Box Jumps (24/20”) 400M Run …and you think it looks “easy”. So you decide, “Today I’m scaling up!” Instead of swinging the 53 lb. kettlebell you grab the 70, instead of the 20 lb. […]



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ADAPTATION ad·ap·ta·tion /adapˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun Definition: the action or process of adapting or being adapted. i.e. –  “A change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.” i.e. – “If you have shitty posture, that becomes your bodies new norm during all activities.” Think about all the […]


The Time Is Now!

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Every year, without fail, people engage in a peculiar habit that often ends in failure. Any guesses as to what it is? It gets to be late December, New Year’s is rapidly approaching and people start saying to themselves, “This is going to be my year. This next year, I’m going to (blah, blah, blah)…” It’s […]


Why Am I Still Thicker Than a Snickers?

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People join gyms for all sorts of reasons, but the majority, in my experience, join looking for a physical transformation. Whether it is to lose weight or put on muscle, it all comes down to people wanting to look leaner. Rarely have I come across anyone that says his or her main goal in the […]


How To Stay Motivated

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how to stay motivated

“Motivation is a strange word. It doesn’t mean what we think it means. We think it means we are fired up to do something. We think that it means we’re eager and passionate to make something happen. And we think that somehow we should be able to turn on that eagerness and turn on that […]


Does Your Ankle Mobility Suck?

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how to improve your ankle mobility

One of the most common problems that we encounter on a daily basis with our athletes is the sheer lack of ankle mobility. Outside of someone having a true medical issue, i.e. surgical hardware (screws/plates etc), you should have no legitimate reasons preventing you from having great mobility through your ankle joint. With a little […]