Health Tips

5 Weight Loss Myths

5 Weight Loss Myths

5 Weight Loss Myths



If there were a pill that would keep you in great shape, and keep your body fat percentage low it’d be the number 1 selling product in the world. The truth is it can be a long hard road, but it doesn’t have to be. Start small and set yourself up for success. You’ll find it easier to add an apple everyday than to eliminate everything processed all at once. 80% of people will fail on diets. Stop using the word diet, and make a lifestyle change. Add more whole, unprocessed foods that come from nature and you’ll be on your way.


Even if the calorie count is the same they both have a different affect on what happens in your body. If you ate 3 eggs instead of a candy bar you will lose weight. The candy bar will spike your blood sugar, where as the eggs will do the opposite. Plus the extra protein will keep you full longer. Remember it’s not just calories in versus calories out, it’s the type of calories you put in and how your body handles them that helps you lose weight. If you are buying it in a gas station do you really think it’s the best possible decision?


Not necessarily. Look at it as a life long investment. Of course it’s easier to snag a burger with fries on the drive home, but there is more to consider. Investing in your health now can save you costly medical bills later in life. There are plenty of recipes out there for healthy meals that taste delicious, start googling. With the recent boom of people starting to grow their own fruits and vegetables more and more, farmer’s markets have been making a resurgence over the past few years. The time is now to eat like your great grandparents did, and save some money in the long run.


The common myth is one less meal equals fewer calories for the day…if only that were the case. Skipping a meal momentarily will reduce your caloric intake, however it will typically lead to the next meals having more calories in them to make up for the loss of calories early. Research has shown for years that people who eat breakfast weigh less than those that skip it. It’s science…just remember #2.


The 3 most common characteristics of those who have lost weight and kept it off are: They eat breakfast everyday, they watch less than 10 hours of TV per week, and they exercise on average for about 1 hour per day.  If you can do those 3 things alone, I’d be willing to bet that you’d see some changes.

In closing remember, losing weight is a long journey, it’s not a sprint.  Set yourself up for success, and know that you’ll have bad days or weeks, and it’ll be easier to get right back on the horse knowing that from the get go.  The best way to accomplish your weight loss goals is the old fashioned way. Eat more whole foods and less processed foods, increase your physical activity, don’t skip meals (especially breakfast) shut the TV off earlier, know you’ll hit a rough patch, and accept responsibility for your actions, and think about what you will do different starting now.




PS:  If you’re looking to get a jump start on exercising on average of one hour per day, why not start this Saturday at 11:30 am with a FREE CrossFit WOD with us…

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